July 2021 Prayer Suggestions

We are seeking to identify people in each of the regions, willing to pray for the spiritual renewal and growth of our people and churches. If you didn't know about that but are willing to be part of that team of pray-ers, please contact me (Peter Cheyne). I will let the coordinator in your region know.

So far, only two regions have identified some pray-ers. That might be another thing we need to pray about.

Prayer suggestions

  1. For a rising tide of passionate prayer in our parishes.
  2. For increasing interest in spiritual renewal. (There currently seems to be some resistance, and a difficulty getting responses from people.)
  3. For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in each church resulting in people finding a closer relationship with God and being committed to following Jesus.
  4. For the Presbytery Council as they have to handle diverse issues but also that spiritual renewal remains a priority. May the Presbytery Council give leadership in this area.
  5. For our churches to be willing to engage with their communities and wise in how they do that. 

As always, I would be very interested in any feedback.

Thank you very much,



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