The Decline (and Possible Demise) of the Church of England

Watch this video on the dramatic decline of the Church of England. Various views are expressed. What do you think is true? Why do you think it is true? What lessons ought to be learnt?

What are the key factors in church growth and decline? What ought we to be doing?

The decline in the PCANZ in our area is also alarming. What must we do if the church is not going to dwindle on our watch?

Add your comments below.


  1. We all know that the early church was established by the Holy Spirit, but we also know that this work was based on the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ as He came and lived, suffered, died, rose and went into heaven. Then the Holy Spirit came to apply all that Jesus had done for the Father and in order to accomplish our salvation. When we stopped preaching this message we began to die. When we stopped preaching the Bible we began to cut off the lifeblood of the church as we did not teach perpetually and deeply the Lord Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in order to feed the church for its own sustenance and the work of evangelism. We stopped telling people of the risks of not believing mainly as we had abandoned that idea. And the further problem was that we were side-lined by human plans and thinking which deviated us from doing our spiritual duty to our Father in heaven. For example, we spent many years debating Church Union and failed to do anything worthwhile. Now we are obsessed with catering to the world's plans on u8niting us all round inclusiveness. We need to preach the Scriptures and all about Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.


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